Thursday, 9 May 2013


Hello there.... remember me?

I'm the absent blogger, the one who hasn't posted in over two months. Crazy. In fact, I feel as though I should almost turn over the 'blogger' status to the correct authorities. The fact is, I've been thinking about blogging a lot. Just not actually doing any. My reason? *shrugs*

I've had a few bad nail breaks - that always puts me off.

I've had my baby sister's wedding - wow! It was a bit busy for me, but wow! (Hi Mrs. Downey!!)

I've had my birthday, a hen party, busy times at work, a few bouts of illness and stress, and other things I probably can't remember now. Yes, it has been that long...!

The thing is, I've just had very little inspiration for my nails.I've still been painting them of course, and if you follow my instagram, you'll have seen them from time to time! I've also been toying with the idea of changing the name of my blog, but I'm not quite there yet.It may not even happen, but you know how it is...

Either way, I'm trying to find the time to sort out the things in my life that I have been putting off. Like the de-clutter session I will be having with the hubby next week. And general organisation of things that should have been done a long time ago. (I've finally gotten some more of my wedding photos printed and framed. Yes, it's been 21 months since my wedding, but...I have no buts. I am a terrible procrastinator. I put things off. I have finally made my first eBay sale, 15 months after I planned to sell those particular items. See what I mean?

Sorry to prattle on with my mundane life, but I wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about my blog, or about you! My readers. In fact, its you that has brought me back here.

Thanks for sticking around during my absence - I will try and get some nail pics posted soon, even just some spam of the last two months of polishings!

See you soon,

Love Charlotte x

PS - wish me luck with the de-clutter - it starts on Saturday with the attic... *cue dramatic music*
I will be finally ridding the house of the leftover MiL junk that she still hasn't reclaimed after three and a half years!

I. Can't. Wait.

One day, I will achieve TIDY!!! Yay!

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